Service Learning

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Service Learning moving forward to Community Engaged Learning!

University of Detroit Mercy, a Catholic university in the Mercy and Jesuit traditions, is doubling down on the investment we have made in community engagement by formalizing our commitment to Community Engaged Learning (CEL.) To facilitate a collaborative approach to this transition, the Institute for Leadership and Service, wants to connect with all CEL faculty to hear your perspective on how we can meet the objectives of CEL. So, we are asking that all faculty who want to have their course(s) designated with the CEL attribute submit a proposal for how you will meet the new outcomes. Here is the 

Proposal Template 

You can download a copy of the Proposal Template to create your own proposal and link to Supplemental Materials. We also highly recommend that you email Tim Hipskind at to obtain additional resources and support to help you navigate the proposal submission process.

Any Detroit Mercy employee our student who is interested in exploring the resources we are compiling to support our move to Community Engaged Learning is invited to explore our CEL Resource Sharepoint site. Note: If you are not a Detroit Mercy employee or student and interested in viewing these pages, please email Tim Hipskind at

On-Campus Service Opportunities

Rx for Reading Detroit

Rx for Reading is a children's literacy initiative sponsored by University of Detroit Mercy.  Our mission is to expand access to children's books and support families in reading with their children. Detroit Mercy students distribute over 2,500 children's books a month through our community partners, including low-income health, dental and WIC clinics, homeless shelters, soup kitchens, community centers and churches.  Volunteer opportunities include reading with local preschoolers and elementary students and painting little free libraries to be delivered to community partners.

To learn more about Rx for Reading, see their webpage at If you are interested in volunteering, email to let Prof. Harrison know of your interest and discuss options.

Detroit Prevention and Awareness in the Community

DPAC is a student organization on campus that aims to spread awareness of sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence, and to inform the campus community of resources available for dealing with such situations. DPAC provides various campus events to teach about the warning signs, severity and proper responses to situations of sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence, as well as peer education groups led by students. Additionally, they are partnered with local agencies that provide support and services to victims of sexual assault, dating violence and domestic violence in order to connect student volunteers and university resources with community service opportunities. 

DPAC is constantly looking for student volunteers to help with on campus and community events. To find out more, please like our DPAC Facebook page or contact Nina Carlson at

Titan Equity Nourish Network (TENN)

TENN has several opportunities to serve as volunteers and leaders in community food justice efforts, including weekly produce deliveries, food justice workshops, and service days at various urban gardens in Detroit. To learn more and connect with TENN, view its for current sign ups and a calendar of events, or email

Service in the City

Service in the City offers opportunities during the week to help in two Detroit tutoring programs. On many Saturdays they also offer one-time service opportunities to places like the Pope Francis Center, Habitat for Humanity and other local organizations. Visit the Service Immersion website or read the article, "Service hours for tutoring local youth" for more information. If you're interested in volunteering, contact Samantha Eckrich at 313-993-1560.

International Conversation Partners

This is a great opportunity for international and United States students to come together to make friends and learn about each other's cultures. If you're interested or would like to learn more, contact Lara Wasner at

Other Organizations

You can consider joining Alpha Phi Omega. This national service fraternity is focused on providing service to the community. Detroit Mercy's Eta Pi Chapter is a warm, welcoming organization. If you are interested, contact Fr. Tim Hipskind at

If you're looking for more opportunities, visit our Facebook page for up-to-date information on special opportunities.

Finding Opportunities to Serve in the Community

Here are some options for finding places you can serve according to your gifts and needs.

Try the list of opportunities that the Institute has identified for you. First click on the type of Service Opportunities you are looking for below. The opportunities are with agencies who are familiar with Detroit Mercy and the Institute.

  1. Close to Campus
  2. Contact Information for all Current Agencies
  3. Direct Service Only
  4. Environmental Work (includes Fighting Blight, Community Gardens, Beautification, Clean Water)
  5. Health-related (includes Physical Health, Mental Health, Disabilities and Substance Abuse)
  6. Poverty-related (includes issues of hunger, homelessness and poverty)
  7. Regularly Scheduled Opportunities
  8. Weekend Opportunities (Opportunities from the above lists that are available on the weekends)
  9. Working with Youth


Or - if you are looking for Gap Year opportunities: 

  • Here is a list of GREAT Gap Year Opportunities -
  • Including one where you can get a job here at Detroit Mercy working with TENN.!

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