Class Placement
Academic advisors use placement test results to determine the appropriate level of classes for new students.
- All students are recommended to take the math and English placement tests.
- Students in an engineering, science or pre-health program may choose to take the chemistry placement test.
- Students who wish to take a foreign language beyond the first level are required to take a foreign language placement test.
More information on each subject area can be found below.
It is important to complete placement tests at least two weeks before meeting with an academic advisor, which usually takes place during SOAR for freshmen. There is no additional charge for taking these tests.
Alternatively, you can submit your SAT/ACT score for class placement. To do so, log in to your CollegeBoard account (SAT) or MyACT account (ACT) and request to have your score report sent to Detroit Mercy. Your test score will not affect your admission status or scholarship offer.
You can take placement tests when you submit an enrollment deposit in your admission portal. Placement tests are administered through Blackboard, Detroit Mercy’s course management software. You can access Blackboard at You'll need to use your Microsoft 365 log in credentials. Directions for your Microsoft 365 account were sent in an earlier email. For assistance logging in, contact the Office of Admissions by calling 313-993-1245, emailing or texting 313-429-0110.
A Blackboard video tutorial is available.
The writing class you take will be determined by your English placement test results. Alternatively, you can submit your SAT/ACT score for class placement.
- If you submit SAT/ACT scores: Your placement is automatically determined based on the chart below. You do not need to take the English placement test.
- If you do not submit SAT/ACT scores: Your placement will be determined by your English placement test results.
- If you believe your SAT/ACT score does not reflect your actual writing ability: We recommend that you take the English placement test. This may result in a higher placement than your SAT/ACT score. In any case, we will use your highest placement from any source.
Standardized Test Score
English Class Placement
ACT Composite: 17 or lower
SAT Evidence-Based Writing: 470 or lowerENL 1300 + ENL 1000 (Supportive Lab Course) ACT Composite: 18-22
SAT Evidence-Based Writing: 480-540ENL 1300 ACT Composite: 23+
SAT Evidence-Based Writing: 550+ENL 1310 Note: If you scored a 3, 4 or 5 on the AP English Language and Composition test, you do not need to take a placement test. Please consult with your academic advisor for placement details.
English Placement Test
For more information or to begin the placement test, log in to Blackboard. Instructions for Blackboard can be found in the Instructions section above. Remember, placement tests must be completed at least two weeks before your advising and registration session.
Why Submit Your SAT/ACT Score?
Submitting your SAT/ACT score means you will not need to take the English placement test, and you will be able to register for classes without delays. Your SAT/ACT score will not affect your admission status or scholarship offer.
Your score in ALEKS PPL, the math placement test, will determine the math class that is appropriate for your skill level. Alternatively, you can submit your SAT/ACT score for class placement, but if you believe that your SAT/ACT score does not reflect your actual math skill level, we encourage you to also engage in ALEKS PPL. This may result in a higher placement than your SAT/ACT score. In any case, we will use your highest placement from any source.
Score Needed to Place in Your First Math Course
Math Course Placement
ACT Math
SAT Math
Degree Program Minimum
Math RequirementUAS 0800*
Basic Mathematics16 or lower
430 or lower
0-13UAS 0950*
Elementary Algebra17-19 440-500 14-29 MTH 1020/1030/1040
Algebra A/B/C Modules
MTH 1010
-Pre-Dental Hygiene
-All majors in the College of Health Professions
-All majors in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social SciencesMTH 1400
Elementary Functions
(Pre-Calculus)24-26 580-630 51-75 -Architecture
-BiologyMTH 1410
Analytic Geometry and
Calculus I27 and higher 640 and higher 76-100 -Biochemistry
-Computer Science
-Engineering (all majors)*This course does not generate earned credits toward graduation requirements.
If you completed math classes at another university or community college or have AP/IB exam scores, have official transcripts/reports sent to Detroit Mercy from the granting institution.
Math Placement Through ALEKS PPL
The ALEKS Placement, Preparation and Learning (ALEKS PPL) Assessment will be used to determine readiness for math classes.
ALEKS PPL is an online program that uses artificial intelligence to map a student's strengths and weaknesses. The placement assessment is up to 30 questions and generally takes 60-90 minutes to complete. After the placement assessment, an individualized Prep and Learning Module is available for students to refresh their knowledge on forgotten topics. Students then have the opportunity to reassess and improve their placement.
Note: The ALEKS PPL assessment is open through the first week of classes. After this, once a student is enrolled in a math course, any subsequent ALEKS placement scores will be invalid and will not be considered a replacement for course prerequisites.
For more information or to begin ALEKS PPL, log in to Blackboard. Instructions for Blackboard can be found in the Placement Test Instructions section above. Remember, placement tests must be completed at least two weeks before your advising and registration session.
For students majoring in one of the programs listed below, your ALEKS PPL (math placement test) score will be used to place you into the chemistry class appropriate for your skill level and major. Your SAT/ACT math score may be submitted in lieu of ALEKS PPL results. A chemistry class placement chart is also provided below. If you believe your placement from your SAT/ACT/ALEKS PPL score does not accurately reflect your ability, you may choose to complete an online chemistry module.
Note: The ALEKS CHM assessment is open through the first week of classes. After this, once a student is enrolled in a chemistry course, any subsequent ALEKS placement scores will be invalid and will not be considered a replacement for course prerequisites.
- 5-Year Physician Assistant
- 6-Year Law - Biology
- 6-Year Law - Chemistry
- 6-Year Pharmacy
- 7-Year Pharmacy
- 7-Year Dental
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science (optional)
- Engineering (all majors)
- Pre-Dental
- Pre-Medical
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Podiatry
- Pre-Veterinary
- Science - Undeclared
- Students interested in taking a chemistry class beyond the first level
Standardized Test or ALEKS PPL (Math) Score
Math Class Placement
Chemistry Class Placement
Chemistry Placement Options for CHM 1070
ACT MATH: 16 or lower
SAT MATH: 430 or lower
ALEKS PPL (Math): 0-13UAS 0800 Initially none
ACT MATH: 17-19
SAT MATH: 440-500
ALEKS PPL (Math): 14-29UAS 0950 Initially none
ACT MATH: 20-23
SAT MATH: 510-570
ALEKS PPL (Math): 30-50MTH 1020/1030/1040
or MTH 1010
AlgebraInitially none ACT MATH: 24-26
SAT MATH: 580-630
ALEKS PPL (Math): 51-75MTH 1400
Elementary FunctionsCHM 1050
Intro to ChemistryFour semesters of high school chemistry (3.0+) or successful completion of ALEKS chemistry placement assessment
SAT MATH: 640+
ALEKS PPL (Math): 76-100MTH 1410
Analytic Geom & Calculus ICHM 1070
General Chemistry INursing students should follow the chart listed below. Your ALEKS PPL (math placement test) score will be used to place you into a chemistry course. Your SAT/ACT math score may be submitted in lieu of ALEKS PPL results.
Standardized Test or
ALEKS PPL (Math) ScoreMath Class Placement
Chemistry Class Placement
ACT MATH: 16 or lower
SAT MATH: 430 or lower
ALEKS PPL (Math): 0-13UAS 0800 Initially none ACT MATH: 17-19
SAT MATH: 440-500
ALEKS PPL (Math): 14-29UAS 0950 Initially none ACT MATH: 20-23
SAT MATH: 510-570
ALEKS PPL (Math): 30-50MTH 1020/1030/1040
or MTH 1010
AlgebraCHM 1040
General, Organic & Biological Chem for Health SciencesACT MATH: 24-26
SAT MATH: 580-630
ALEKS PPL (Math): 51-75MTH 1400 CHM 1040 ACT MATH: 27+
SAT MATH: 640+
ALEKS PPL (Math): 76-100MTH 1410 CHM 1040 Pre-Dental Hygiene students should follow the chart listed below. Your ALEKS PPL (math placement test) score will be used to place you into a chemistry course. Your SAT/ACT math score may be submitted in lieu of ALEKS PPL results.
Standardized Test or
ALEKS PPL (Math) ScoreMath Class Placement
Chemistry Class Placement
ACT MATH: 16 or lower
SAT MATH: 430 or lower
ALEKS PPL (Math): 0-13UAS 0800
Initially noneACT MATH: 17-19
SAT MATH: 440-500
ALEKS PPL (Math): 14-29UAS 0950
Initially noneACT MATH: 20-23
SAT MATH: 510-570
ALEKS PPL (Math): 30-50MTH 1020/1030/1040
or MTH 1010
AlgebraCHM 1040
General, Organic & Biological Chem for Health SciencesACT MATH: 24-26
SAT MATH: 580-630
ALEKS PPL (Math): 51-75MTH 1400 CHM 1040 or CHM 1050 Intro to Chemistry ACT MATH: 27+
SAT MATH: 640+
ALEKS PPL (Math): 76-100MTH 1410 CHM 1040 or CHM 1050 ALEKS Chemistry Modules
This is an online set of modules that assesses a student's consistency of understanding of chemistry topics. After an initial assessment, each student will work on an individualized knowledge path. For more information or to begin ALEKS Chemistry Modules, log in to Blackboard. Instructions for Blackboard can be found in the Placement Test Instructions section above. Remember, placement tests must be completed at least two weeks before your advising and registration session.
Foreign Language
Placement test are available for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. The online tests are multiple choice and/or fill-in-the-blank and take approximately one hour. Students who wish to earn credit in or to take a placement test in a language other than those mentioned above should contact the Language Cultural Training Department at 313-993-1191. For more information or to access a foreign language placement exam, log in to Blackboard. Instructions for Blackboard can be found in the Placement Test Instructions section above. Remember, placement tests must be completed at least two weeks before your advising and registration session. Testing is not required for entry into level 1100 courses.
AP/IB College Credit
If you have earned college credits or taken an AP/IB exam, it is recommended that you have the official transcript or score report sent to Detroit Mercy as soon as possible, before meeting with an academic advisor and attending freshman orientation. Official college transcripts should be sent directly from the college you attended to You can request AP exam results from the CollegeBoard and IB exam results from the International Baccalaureate Organization. -
If you require special testing accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services at least one week prior to testing.
Student Accessibility Services
313-993-1158 -
For questions about placement tests, please contact:
Erica Harris-Graze
Assistant Director
Student Success Center