Lee Eshelman
Lee Eshelman
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Director of Master of Arts Program in Clinical Psychology

- Ph.D., Miami University
- M.A., Miami University
- B.A., Michigan State University
Lee R. Eshelman is a licensed clinical psychologist , assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and director of the Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology program at University of Detroit Mercy. Prior to joining the faculty in 2019, she earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Miami University. She completed an APA accredited clinical psychology internship at University of Wisconsin – Department of Psychiatry, and a postdoctoral fellowship in Women’s Health with the University of Michigan Medicine/VA Ann Arbor Consortium.
Eshelman is the director of the Trauma, REsilience, and Empowerment (TREE) Lab at University of Detroit Mercy. Broadly, her research program focuses on understanding the impact of trauma on coping, resilience, and psychological outcomes such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use. Her work aims to explore the complex mental health sequelae following traumatic experiences, to inform strengths-based advocacy for trauma survivors, and to refine evidence-based approaches for culturally informed intervention. Her research has largely focused on interpersonal violence and sexual assault, although her research and clinical interests lie in all forms of trauma.
Eshelman's current program of research examines how individual, cultural and societal factors influence outcomes of interpersonal trauma. Her current projects include understanding how Black women’s experiences of interpersonal trauma and racism-related stressors influence mental health outcomes, help-seeking behaviors, disclosure and resilience. Some of her recently completed research projects examine how PTSD influences emotion regulation abilities among survivors of sexual violence and how men’s experiences of sexual abuse influence mental health and perceptions of their own masculinity. Eshelman maintains collaborations with researchers at other institutions in related areas (e.g., trauma among sexual minority women, interpersonal violence and suicidal behaviors, military sexual trauma, etc.).
At University of Detroit Mercy, Eshelman teaches graduate and undergraduate courses. She is committed to providing strengths-based professional development support to all students with diverse interests and career goals.
Selected Publications
- Salim, S.R., Eshelman, L.R., McConnell, A.A, LaPlena, N., & Messman, T.L. (accepted, 2023). Threat of harm beliefs mediate the link between binegativity and sexual assault-related PTSD among cisgender bisexual women. Psychology of Violence.
- Eshelman, L.R., McConnell, A.A, Messman, T.L., Dykstra, R., DiLillo, D., & Gratz, L. (2022). The impact of PTSD on trait and state emotional responding among survivors of lifetime sexual violence. Psychology of Violence, 12(3), 127-136.
- Salim, S.R., Eshelman, L.R., Bhuptani, P.H., & Messman, T.L. (2022). Latent profiles of social reactions to sexual assault disclosure among undergraduate women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 46(1), 66-81.
- Salim, S.R., Eshelman, L.R., Bhuptani, P.H., & Messman, T.L. (2022). Latent profiles of social reactions to sexual assault disclosure among undergraduate women. Psychology of Women Quarterly,46(1), 66-81.
- Grabowski, J.E.*, Porcerelli, J.H., Richardson, L., Lowe, K.*, Eshelman, L.R., & Huth-Bocks, A. (2021). Defense mechanisms and childhood abuse potential in pregnant mothers. Current Psychology. Advance online publication.
- Salim, S.R., Eshelman, L.R., & Messman, T.L. (2021). Binegativity exacerbates the effects of sexual victimization disclosure on posttraumatic stress and drinking among bisexual women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Advance online publication.
- Charak, R., Eshelman, L.R., Messman-Moore, T.L. (2019). Latent classes of childhood maltreatment, adult sexual assault, and revictimization in men: Differences in masculinity, anger, and substance use. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 20(4), 503-514.
- Mokma, T.R., Eshelman, L.R., & Messman-Moore, T.L. (2016). Contributions of self-blame, post-traumatic stress symptoms, and alcohol use to women's risk for forcible and substance-facilitated sexual revictimization. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse: Research, Treatment, & Program Innovations for Victims, Survivors, & Offenders, 25(4), 428-448.
- Eshelman, L.R., Messman-Moore, T.L, & Sheffer, N. (2015). The importance of substance-related rape: Impact of victimization and substance use on risk perception in female college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30(15), 2616-2635.
- Kubiak, S., Kim, W., Bybee, D., & Eshelman, L. (2014). Assessing the validity of the Self Appraisal Questionnaire in differentiating high risk and violent female offenders. The Prison Journal, 94(3), 305-327.
- Eshelman, L.R., & Levendosky, A.A. (2012). Dating violence: Mental health consequences based on type of abuse. Violence & Victims, 27(2), 215-228.
* = mentored graduate co-author
Conference Presentations
- Eshelman, L.R., Salim, S.R., Bhuptani, P., & Saad, M.* (2022, November). Sexual objectification racial microaggressions amplify the effects of sexual assault on posttraumatic stress among Black women. [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Harper, N.E.*, Eshelman, L.R., McConnell, A.A., & Messman, T.L. (2022, November). The moderating role of social support on microaggressions and alcohol use among lesbian and bisexual women of color. [Flash talk]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Ettema, J.R.* & Eshelman, L.R. (2022, November). Attachment style as a mediator between childhood maltreatment and thought suppression in Black women. [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- DePorter, J.D.*, Eshelman, L.R., & Messman, T.L. (2022, November). Mediating effect of masculinity norms on depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among adult male survivors of child sexual abuse [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Sibai, M.*, Eshelman, L.R., & Messman. T.L. (2022, November). PTSD symptom clusters predict alcohol and drug use in adult male survivors of child sexual abuse [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States.
- Salim, S. R., Bhuptani, P. H., Eshelman, L. R., & Messman, T. L. (2021, November). Binegativity and trauma-related shame: Mechanisms of PTSD among bisexual women who experience rape. [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual Meeting.
- DePorter, J.*, Eshelman, L.R., & Messman, T.L. (2021, November). Age of onset, perpetrator characteristics, and posttraumatic stress symptoms among adult male survivors of child sexual abuse. [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual Meeting.
- Salim, S.R., Eshelman, L.R., & Messman, T.L. (2021, May). Threat of harms beliefs mediate the link between binegativity and sexual assault-related PTSD among bisexual women. [Poster session]. National LGBTQ Health Conference, Virtual Meeting.
- Eshelman, L.R., Woods, H.^, & Messman-Moore, T.L. (2020, November). Sexual victimization, PTSD, and alexithymia: Examining pathways through suppression and avoidance. [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual Meeting.
- Harper, N.E.*, Eshelman, L.R., & Messman-Moore, T.L. (2020, November). The mediating impact of impaired self-reference and conformity to masculine norms on psychological outcomes of men exposed to child maltreatment. [Poster session]. International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Virtual Meeting.