This week on campus
Tuesday, April 17
- Despite the snow on the ground, Spring Blowout is still on today! Head to the Fountain Lounge from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. and try this year's mechanical bull, sumo wrestling suits, shuffleboard and and inflatables. The Titan Dining Room will be closed for dinner, so be sure to stop by and grab some FREE walking tacos, ice cream and more. Alumni will be handing out scantron sheets and other goodies as well.
- Students are invited to have ice cream and say farewell to Sister Beth Finster, SSJ, as well as University Minister and Jesuit Volunteer Heather Huguet from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in front of the University Ministry Office in the Student Union.
Wednesday, April 18
- Students interested in applying to graduate school for Nursing are encouraged to attend an information session from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in Room 110 of the College of Health Professions Facility. RSVP to Suzanne Erwin at 313-993-1828 or
- The Alliance To Halt Fermi-3, Beyond Nuclear, Greenpeace Canada, Michigan Sierra Club, and University of Detroit Mercy's CLASA will present, "Lessons NOT Learned From Chernobyl: Radiation Knows No Borders!," a community forum discussing the challenges of preparedness for safety in the case of nuclear reactor emergencies. The event is free, open to the public and will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 113 of the Ford Life Sciences Building. See the event page for more information and list of panelists.
Thursday, April 19
- The Center for Career & Professional Development is participating with Money Smart Week and hosting a “GeoCache for College Cash” event across campus from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a chance to win $500 towards tuition costs. See the event page for more information on how to participate in the event.
- Attention all interested faculty, staff and graduate students: Come to the last Women's Leadership Round Table of the semester from 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 208 of the Student Union, featuring keynote speaker Sheryl Johnson-Roulhac, dean of the Center for Career & Professional Development. FREE coffee, tea and light refreshments will be offered. Please RSVP to Felicia Mitrovich at
- End your semester relaxed and stress-free at De-Stress Fest, open from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Student Fitness Center. Free food, bubble soccer, massages and other exciting activities. Be sure to check out the University Recreation event page as they highlight this year's available raffle prizes leading up to the event.
Saturday, April 21
- Join Detroit Mercy alumni at the annual Day of Service from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Fitzgerald Neighborhood, adjacent to the McNichols Campus. Volunteers will work with the San Juan Block Club on clearing lots, alleys and beautifying the neighborhood. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. All are welcome to participate. Register online.
Next week on campus
Monday, April 23
- The Carney Latin American Solidarity Archive welcomes Indiana University Labor Studies Professor Emerita Ruth Needleman to speak from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 139 of the Commerce & Finance Building on the topic, "AFL-CIO: Labor Intervention in Chile and throughout Latin America, then and now." Needleman will share her research on the role of right-wing employer groups who were behind the coup attempts in Chile in 1972 through 1973. This event is free and open to the public.
Thursday, April 26
- Join the Women's and Gender Studies Program at its annual WGS Awards Reception and celebration from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the front parlor of Lansing-Reilly Hall. Friends and family are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
Friday, April 27
- The 2018 Alumni Achievement Spirit Awards will honor an accomplished alumnus or alumna from each University college/school at a special reception and dinner in the Student Union Ballroom. See story below for the list of this year's honorees.
Spirit Awards are around the corner
Each year, the University honors one alumnus from each of its schools and colleges with an Alumni Achievement Spirit Award. These honorees are leaders in their fields and have made their marks in other ways too. The 2018 Spirit Awards will be honored at a special event on Friday, April 27 in the Student Union Ballroom. See the Spirit Awards website for more information. The recipients of this year's Spirit Awards are:
- John M. Everly '65, '67 – College of Business Administration
- Randal T. Murphy '59 – College of Engineering & Science
- David F. Claeys '99, '03 – College of Health Professions
- Thomas E. Page '71, '76 – College of Liberal Arts & Education
- Louis Rossetti '59 – School of Architecture
- Mary Sue Stonisch, D.D.S. '87 – School of Dentistry
- The Honorable Gregory E. Mathis '88 – School of Law
Final weekend: The Complete History of America (Abridged)
The Detroit Mercy Theatre Company's The Complete History of America (Abridged) plays its final weekend April 20-22, at The Marlene Boll Theatre at the Boll Family YMCA, 1401 Broadway, in downtown Detroit. The Complete History of America (Abridged) is a 90-minute romp of slapstick humor and breathlessly paced vaudevillian takes of our country's history. Tickets can be purchased online at or over the phone at 313-993-3270. Be sure to visit The Theatre Company website and follow us on social media to stay up to date on performances, tickets and more.
Gardening initiatives at Detroit Mercy
Detroit Mercy Campus Kitchen and University Ministry have teamed up to give faculty, staff and students an opportunity to volunteer and maintain some of our community’s local gardens. Visit the Campus Kitchen volunteer page to sign up for one of the following dates:
- Saturday, April 21 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., MoFlo Garden (Detroit Mercy Alumni Service Day)
- Monday, April 23 – 4 to 6 p.m., Project Healthy Community
Campus Kitchen will also launch its first campus-wide container gardening initiative on Tuesday, April 24 at 11 a.m. in Room 208 of the Student Union. Participants will tend and grow their own potted plants around campus and exchange bounty with other gardeners throughout the growing season as vegetables ripen. Seeds and some supplies will be provided. All are welcome to attend and join the initiative. RSVP to Campus Kitchen Manager Clara Gamalski at if you are interested.

Student receives conference travel award
College of Engineering & Science student Batoul Nasser was awarded an Undergrad Travel Award from the Genetics Society of America to attend the GSA's annual Drosophila Research Conference in Philadelphia. Nasser will present her research on fruit flies and cancer-causing genes. See the full list of award winners online.
Thank you Metz and Aramark
Last year, student M. Omar Almadani organized a simple campus-wide thank you event for the McNichols Campus' facilities services staff, which gave every employee a flower, a chocolate and a letter of thanks. It went over so well that this year, he expanded it. Almadani teamed up with the Student Programming Board, the Biology Club, the Black Student Union, the Pre-Dental Students' Association, the Pre-Medical Club and the Chemistry Club to provide lunch for those employees who are usually the ones providing lunch and a clean environment to eat it.
On behalf of the University, Marketing & Communications would also like to take a moment to thank members of Metz and Aramark for their hard work and dedication to Detroit Mercy.
Thumbs Up!
Associate Professor of History Diane Robinson-Dunn served as the outside examiner for the doctoral dissertation, "South Indian Women Emigration to British Colonies–with special reference to their ordeals and assimilation–1834-1920," submitted to the University of Madras, Chennei, India by Marilyn Gracey Augustine for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in History.