Student multidisciplinary project increases quality of life for disabled veterans
University of Detroit Mercy students saw their hard work evolve from a simple idea to life-changing results when they presented their capstone projects to veterans at the VA Medical Center, April 21.
Detroit Mercy Engineering and Nursing students, along with Lawrence Technological University students, collaborated with veterans to create projects to help the veterans in their every-day lives. Read more of the story online, and see video coverage and a photo gallery of the event.
Detroit Mercy de-stresses during dead week
More than 400 students and faculty partied out on the Kassab Mall with blowup obstacle courses and carnival food at the Spring Blowout, April 18. Check out the photo gallery and great video montage from student Jarod Hoekstra.
Approximate 500 students unwound later that week with nerf guns, bubble soccer, tie dye, massages and coloring books at the annual Destress Fest, April 20. Check out the photo gallery online. Stay tuned for a highlight video!
Detroit Mercy digs in at Jesuit Day of Service
Approximately 50 Detroit Mercy students, faculty and alumni participated in the Second Annual Jesuit Day of Service on the Riverfront Campus, April 22. This community service day was part of a national initiative of Jesuit colleges and universities.
Celebration of Scholarly Achievement success
The annual Celebration of Scholarly Achievement, April 18, recognized faculty, staff and student research publications, posters and other creative projects in more than 100 academic journals, books and articles. The Student Center Ballroom was brimming with energy with approximately 84 poster and slideshow presentations of University research. Several students commented on their experiences; see video coverage of Arren Simpson, Kirby Swan, Anthony Croft and Jada Nelson.
Athletic directors of the future visit campus
Detroit Mercy Athletic Director Robert Vowels hosted 11 institutions and the NCCA on campus, April 24, for the NCAA's Pathways Program. This program assists individuals in athletic offices who aspire to be athletic directors. See the story online for more information.
Free Climb at The Adventure Park
University Recreation is looking to fill 20 to 25 slots with students, faculty, staff or alumni willing to participate in the free climb, "Fun In The Trees," at The Adventure Park, 6600 West Maple Road in West Bloomfield, on Thursday, May 4. Fox 2 News will visit the park for a live broadcast from 6 to 9:30 a.m. If you would like to be on television, climb for free and enjoy some coffee and donuts, contact Student Fitness Center Assistant Manager Matt Higley at by Thursday, April 27.
Ms. Vee embodies spirit of 'Phenomenal Women Award'
Students have long known that Ms. Vee, assistant director of Housing Operations (pictured above center), is a phenomenal woman — and now she has the plaque to prove it! Learn more about why she's this year's Ashley Gray Legacy Award winner.
Need Support for Programs, Research and Student Initiatives? Think Crowdfunding!
Detroit Mercy's Crowdfunding platform can help raise critical funding for research, student initiatives, campus activities and more. Offered through the Annual Giving Office of the University Advancement Division, this unique resource has already raised more than $35,000 this year alone in its first year and the opportunities for growth are tremendous!
This resource helps increase Detroit Mercy's impact on the educational achievement of our students, our community, and helps further promote our world-class education to the larger community. Check it out on Impact online today.
Detroit Sanctuary Movement exhibit on display
Detroit Mercy students created an exhibit currently on display in the McNichols Campus Library called, "The Detroit Sanctuary Movement," documenting Detroit area residents' involvement with providing sanctuary for Central American refugees in the 1980s. Students used highlights of the James Carney Latin American Solidarity Archive (CLASA) materials to fill five display cases, open for viewing during regular library hours until Monday, May 1.
Students awarded for leadership and service
The International Services Office, University Ministry, The Institute for Leadership and Service, the Office of Residence Life, the Dean of Students Office and the Student Life Office all honored Detroit Mercy students for their service, leadership and achievement, April 12. See the photo gallery online.
Give today to the Everything Drive
University Ministry, Student Life and Residence Life invite the Detroit Mercy community to donate clothing, used furniture/appliance and leftover food to the Everything Drive on the McNichols Campus from Tuesday, April 25 through Tuesday, May 2. For details on dropping off your donation, call Student Life at 313-993-1150. A special donation request: Gently used or new men's business attire is needed and will be donated to Loyola High School for its student work study program.
Alumni Achievement Spirit Awards this week
This Friday, April 28, University of Detroit Mercy will honor seven distinguished alumni with the fourth annual Spirit Awards. Award recipients reflect the University's mission of excellence and service and bring pride to Detroit Mercy. See the Spirit Awards website for more information on the honorees.

Gary J. Erwin
Gary J. Erwin named Assoc. Vice Pres. for Marketing & Public Affairs
University of Detroit Mercy named Gary J. Erwin as Associate Vice President for Marketing & Public Affairs, effective April 17. In his new position, Erwin will oversee the University's Marketing & Public Affairs department and promote the mission of the University to its internal and external audiences. He will be responsible for overseeing communication through publicity, publications, online systems and other marketing efforts that uphold the image, integrity and mission of Detroit Mercy. Read more about Erwin in the Detroit Mercy news release.
Help keep your vehicle safe
Join Public Safety in Visitor Parking Lot B on the McNichols Campus this Saturday, April 29 from noon to 3 p.m. for a free vehicle-etching event. The AmeriCorps team will etch your vehicle identification number into every window on your car to help deter car theft.
Heads up: Titans to meet Michigan in Little Caesars Arena this winter
Downtown Detroit will be filled with college basketball action this holiday season as the Detroit Mercy Men's Basketball team has announced its match against Michigan on Dec. 16 in the new Little Caesars Arena. The game is part of a basketball doubleheader with Oakland battling Michigan State. Read more about the matchup online.
Thumbs Up!
Associate Professor of Biology Rachelle Belanger was invited to present her research, "Atrazine exposure impacts chemoreception in crayfish," at Bowling Green University, April 19.
Professor of History Roy E. Finkenbine was interviewed on the "Cliff Russell Show" on Detroit 910 AM about race in contemporary America and black and white perceptions of each other.
Professor of English Nicholas Rombes' essay, "Incoherent Cinema," appeared in the Spring issue of Filmmaker Magazine. Additionally, Rombes' article, "Trumpian Images," from the Winter 2017 issue is available online.