Titan Talk: Destress Fest edition
In this Titan Talk, University Recreation's Julianne Paul and Audrey Reding discuss the upcoming Destress Fest event on Thursday, April 20 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Student Fitness Center and Kassab Mall. Come relax, unwind and enjoy some nitrogen ice cream, therapy dogs, glow yoga, bubble soccer, raffles and refreshments.
Students present assistive technology for veterans
In collaboration with Lawrence Tech, Detroit Mercy Engineering and Health Professions students will reveal their adaptive and rehabilitative devices designed for people with disabilities at the John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, 4646 John R. Road in Detroit on Friday, April 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. See the event page for more information.
Second Annual Jesuit Day of Service, April 22
Detroit Mercy Law hosts the Second Annual Jesuit Day of Service on Saturday, April 22 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Riverfront Campus. There will be several service projects available appealing to all ages and abilities. This community service day is part of a national initiative of Jesuit colleges and universities. See the event page for more information.
Spring Forward Block Party this weekend
Join the Live6 Alliance and celebrate community and a re-imagined streetscape on McNichols Road with the Spring Forward Block Party from 2 to 8 p.m. on McNichols Road between San Juan and Prairie. Bring your bike to try out the temporary bike lanes! Volunteers are needed April 20-22 to help set up the event; see the event flyer for registration link and more information.
Arise Detroit! community exhibit
Arise Detroit! presents a special exhibit spotlighting the people and neighborhoods of Detroit at the Detroit Historical Museum downtown, opening on Saturday, April 22 from noon to 5 p.m. All are welcome to attend. The exhibit will be on display at the Detroit Historical Museum, Tuesday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. as well as Saturday and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughout the summer.
University Chorus hits the high notes
The University Chorus, under the direction of Adjunct Professor of Performing Arts Daniel Greig, participated in an ecumenical Tenebrae service and performance of "Requiem" with full orchestra and more than 100 singers at St Paul's United Methodist Church in Rochester.
The University Chorus invites faculty and staff to join in singing with the Chorus this fall on Mondays from 4 to 5:50 p.m. in Room 341 of the Jane & Walter O. Briggs Building. Contact Daniel Greig at greigda@udmercy.edu for more information. This opportunity is available as course credit for students and is open to alumni and community members as well.
Cascade web training continues
If you wish to update your section of the University's websites, please attend one of our upcoming Cascade training sessions on Thursday, April 20 or Thursday, April 27 from 1 to 3 p.m. in Room 9 of the Commerce & Finance Building. To ensure everyone has a computer to use, please sign up for your session here.
Fall Colleague Development Days this August
All faculty, staff and administrators are encouraged to participate in the seventh annual Fall Colleague Development Days on Thursday, Aug. 17 and Friday, Aug. 18 on the McNichols Campus. The Thursday event offers 21 concurrent sessions that will assist in updating and educating faculty, administrators and staff. On Friday, two plenary sessions will help faculty, staff and administrators "meet, understand and teach today's learners: Generation NeXt." See the Colleague Development Day website for more information and to pre-register. If you have questions, contact Colleague Development Days Event Coordinator Sheryl Johnson-Roulhac at 313-993-1017 or careerlink@udmercy.edu.
Thumbs Up!
Professor of Business Administration Michael Bernacchi was quoted in the 94.9 WSJM News Talk post, "Easter candy means big business each year," April 10.
College of Liberal Arts & Education Director of Teacher Education Programs Patricia Gajewski will represent Detroit Mercy at the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) conference and at the Catholic Higher Education Supporting Catholic Schools (CHESCS) annual meeting in St. Louis, Mo.